
beer + cheese homebrew tasting

I haven't been brewing my own beer for very long--in fact, it's been only about 4 months. But it's one of those addicting hobbies, in part because taking the first sip of your homebrewed beer is such an exciting moment that you really want it to happen again.

And, until now, I've been brewing beer in a relatively solitary fashion--just me and my boyfriend Matt, in his kitchen, drinking it ourselves and sharing it with our friends. But no longer! Last night, we went to Beer + Cheese's Homebrew tasting at 18 Reasons. Thanks to Jesse (of
Beer & Nosh), I found out about this awesome get together, where home brewers and beer lovers get together to try home brewed beers. Since I wasn't 100% clear on how much beer to bring (and since I had to bring it with me to work), I brought a pathetic 2 bottles of our Belgain Golden Ale. If anything, it motivated us to brew more beer--both because our Golden Ale was well-received & to have more to share.

There's more pictures of the party below--if you recognize yourself or anyone else in a photo, let me know and I'll update the captions.

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